Happy Equinox Markael! The Moon as our Earth’s dance partner is a feeling image that will remain within me. Poetry in motion while stabilizing each other in mutual synchrony…wondrous!🌙🌎💞

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Yes! I love what this imagery inspires in me as well!

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I have read so many fascinating pieces this morning on equinoxes, solstices, seasons, and phases. The most provocative of all is your second to last paragraph: "what does the Moon mean to you? What do you feel when gazing moonward? How do her rhythms and cycles resonate within your own experience?" Thank you again, Markael. Your unique and deep awareness and ability to convey in clear writing, and to invite greater depth and understanding, is such a gift!

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I too really enjoy the visceral description you give us of the moon being the earth's dancing partner. I love how that perception expands my feeling sense of the Earth's movement around the sun. Another thing that really speaks to me is the contemplation of the intimate relationship the living waters and beings of this planet share with the moon's cycles. The spawning of corals in synchrony with the moon...and in my own experience, the fruiting of mushrooms in the forest. Last year, when we were in the Northwoods of WI for the fall equinox, all the mushrooms popped up overnight after rains on the full moon. Some boletes were almost two feet in height! Thanks Markael, and Happy Equinox to you 🌞🍂

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