Really good. I am looking forward future posts!

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This made me smile and my heart sing: "A central goal of The Dendroica Project is to reverse this trend, to re-animate the natural world, to re-personalize human interactions and transactions, to de-commodify the fruits of our labors, to re-enchant life with beauty and meaning, here and now - not consigned to some vision of afterlife or transcendence or future utopia."

I love to hear more, to connect, to chat from one side of the world (I'm on the west coast of Australia) and to learn from each other in this world that is many, many strange things (including post-choice - a term I just made up).

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Mark, this project looks so promising! Many blessings for prosperous growth and good fortune. I know of your work through JMG and am a sincere admirer of your insights across many subjects. Thanks for your efforts.

Jim W

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Thanks Jim!

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I recognized many things from my own experience while reading "The Dendroica Project." Will there be a way to actually join as a participant of the project? I am now subscribed, and I assume will receive emails about future posts, but I was hoping you might set it up so that the Project might have other contributors/writers. I felt a strong desire to share some of the things I've written, in response to reading yours. I belong to a couple of other forums that are set up that way.

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Hi Leah,

I would definitely like to include writings by others, but I also have a fairly specific intention of what I would like the project to be. As it is getting started, I would encourage others - including yourself - to send me writings that you feel are a good fit, and I will post them with attribution at my discretion. In the future, once the overall theme and idea has taken shape more fully, I may open it up for others to contribute directly. You may send potential submissions to mark (at) luterra (dot) com.

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Thanks! Will do.

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