You have begun, you are weaving. I am in the midst of this alchemy as well and I wouldn’t want it any other way. This process is powerful, She is powerful in me. Thank you for flowing with the current and sharing this ahead of schedule. I am grateful and comforted to read your words this morning.

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Thank you Hannah!

I intended to publish upon waking but I woke in the middle of the night. So it went out at 3:33 on 10/10. Some time after that I had a dream where I was swimming and decided to allow myself to immerse, allow myself to drown which was briefly intense but followed by a quiet peace that eventually returned to dreamless sleep.

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It was during the hour of Venus/Aphrodite. She who embodies the attributes on the right.


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I noticed the time in my inbox. 3:33 is significant to me. I appreciate Annette's comment below about Aphrodite, another leading clue for me. Your dream! Wow! Look at you! Submerging into the depths, and finding rest. Amazing.

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Thank you for the advice to pick an unhurried time to read your essay. It is beautiful! And it will be shared. 🙏

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Oh Mark, this is so beautiful. My heart sings as I weep for joy.

Thank you

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Stunning Markael. What I have received and feel through your words is the same powerful drumbeat of awakening that I hear within my own listening to what is wild-and-civilized, and all the other brilliant couplets you shared. The point of them being couplets (both-and) is a profound point in and of itself, that I believe if understood more widely, would help so many relax their pushing against the current paradigm in what you pointed out really is self-judgement, and instead help to focus consciousness towards ending separation where it begins - within. I appreciate the wider view you circle us outwards into.

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Thank you Emma! I sense a strong resonance in your writing, as though we are describing the same underlying perceptions and awakening current in our own words. And I found it a most interesting synchronicity that you shared a picture of yourself wearing the yin-yang symbol when I had already decided to lead this essay with it.

These couplets are also a new framework for me, and I'm realizing that most of my past Dendroica writings address one or another of them. If I ever do manage to compile my writings into a book form (I've started several times only to lose energy and flow off in a new direction) I could envision the couplets as an encompassing structure.

I'm glad I could connect you and Kate - our network of resonant connections is growing if still a bit slowly...

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The couplets are profound, and I can imagine them as a powerful framework for a book. Like all offerings from our deep selves, they come together when the time is right and the energy has percolated long enough. I trust in the perfect timing and flow for your book!

As well I hold the same trust for our resonant web. We are all ‘here’, just waiting to find each other.

Hehe, I thought of my shirt too. I had a remembrance recently that when I was very young, first grade probably, the yin/yang symbol was the first emblem I knew of that represented what was ‘cool’ …now, I cannot get over how synchronous it is to have come back full circle to such appreciation for what that represents.

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Indeed, and amen. Spiral time. Yes! Exactly this. The experience of separation, as a phase, as a stage to go through, seems to be a necessary part of life and of growing. Thanks also for linking to your other post "A Letter from Earth," because that's a fantastic post, too! 🙏🏽

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It's a thing.


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